Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Getting to Know You

Who I Was;
    So my personality and my identity has not really changed much over the years. My personality has 

always been the same. I have always been that kid who doesn't talk much and does his own thing. 

Also, the person who is nice and helpful to the people around him.I think that it has shaped my 

identity as well and as people see me and know me now. So since my identity has shaped my 

personality, it reflects what wear and how I act. Example how i act in class. However outside of 

school i am a bit different.......

Who I am;
   Today i am the same person that I was last year, you know that quiet kid who doesn't talk much and

does his own thing and who is nice- helpful. Overall me personality is the same as it was last year or 

the year before. Enough about that, now on to things I like to do. So some of the things that I like to 

do i splay video games, browse the internet, go biking, watch movies and most importantly going to 

sleep. These are just some of the things that I like to do. On my spare time or what ever. I usually

 would be playing video games or playing hockey, but on the weekends I go biking and watch 

movies. So here are some things that I dislike which is doing house work like cutting the grass or 

doing the dishes. Reason being i don't like to do those things.

Who I Will Be:
     In the future I see my self going to collage or university and bettering my education, also starting 

my career. But 5 to 10 years from now I see myself with a good job and living on my own, but when 

it comes to goals well I don't have a lot of goals right know. Except for graduating from high school 

getting into university and as always getting good grades. I plan to do this by working hard and trying 
to do my best toward them. that is what i have planned for the future.

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