Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Dear Grade 8 self,

     I have some advice that you can use, that will help you in the future. First off you (when i say you I mean I) should pay more attention in class and listen more to the teacher instead of listening to your friends talk about random things. Also to do all of your homework on time instead of waiting until last minute to do it and hand it in.
     Also instead of sitting on your butt and watching t.v or playing video games you should get outside and be more active instead of being lazy. SO while your doing that you should get involved in sports and join a sports team so you can stay healthy and stay fit. Lastly do not borrow money because I know that you that you are not good at paying the person back whom you borrowed from. Which later will become a problem. So that's all of the advice that I have for you and know you have to figure thing out for yourself.

P.S: When you are in grade 12 and are writing this in your English class come up with different advice to give to your self.

From your grade 12 self.

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